Tuesday, 19 January 2010


  1. Hello Vendullita,

    any ideas for the dissertation????

  2. Hey!
    not completely sure, but I'm quite interested in wellness tourism. Haven't decided yet whether i will do a comparison of welness tourism in Czech Republic and United Kingdom or i will come up with different ideas...that's why im quite stuck at the moment..

  3. That very interesting idea, I like it so you will follow the Quntative approach in your research as i read before that when you do comparison between X and Y. it is better to foloow the quntative design

  4. Finally I have decide on my researched topic. I'm not going to folloe the initial idea of wellness tourism, but my researched feild will be about airline marketing, particularly "To what extent does image onfluence decision-making process for travel". It sounds inetresteing to me and I think it relates to the curertn issues of some airliens. For example British Airways is facing the strikes

  5. Maintaining altitude
    BA’s cabin staff appear to be fighting a losing battle
    Mar 25th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

    THE share price says it all. Since the end of last year, shares in strike-hit British Airways have risen in value by nearly a third (see chart). For all the apocalyptic headlines the airline is currently attracting, investors are increasingly confident that BA will win its battle with the cabin staff’s union, Unite, and that when the smoke clears, little if any long-term damage will have been done to its resilient brand.
